Lieblingszitate Teil 1

„Nothing consumes time like nothing“ Russell Ackoff

Daher möchte ich über die Feiertage etwas (aus meiner Sicht besonderes) mit euch teilen. 🎁

2×12 (+ Bonus!) meiner liebsten Zitate. Viele davon muss man mehrfach lesen, um sie besser zu verstehen. 🧠
Und ja, die Hälfte ist von Russell Ackoff. 😅

Wie immer, ergänzt gern. Ich nehme gern weitere in mein schlaues Buch auf. 📖

Schöne Feiertage! 🎄

(Post 1 von 2; Zitate 1-12)

#1 „The purpose of a system is what it does.“
Stafford Beer

passend dazu:

#2 „Every system is perfectly designed for the results it gets.“
Peter Drucker

#3 „Nothing consumes time like nothing.“
Russell Ackoff

#4 „The objective of education is learning, not teaching.“
Russell Ackoff

#5 „A bureaucrat is one who has the power to say ’no‘ but none to say ‚yes‘.“
Russell Ackoff

#6 „Managers who don’t know what they want settle for wanting what they can measure.“
Russell Ackoff

#7 „If a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure.“
Charles Goodhart (-> Goodhart’s law)

#8 „A good deal of the corporate planning I have observed is like a ritual rain dance; it has no effect on the weather that follows, but those who engage in it think it does. Moreover, it seems to me that much of the advise and instruction related to corporate planning is directed at improving the dancing, not the weather.“
Russell Ackoff

#9 „If there isn’t joy in work, you won’t get productivity and you won’t get quality.“
Russell Ackoff

#10 „The more efficient you are at doing the wrong thing, the wronger you become. It is much better to do the right thing wronger than the wrong thing righter. If you do the right thing wrong and correct it, you get better.“
Russell Ackoff

#11 „No problem stays solved in a dynamic environment.“
Russell Ackoff

#12 „Most corporate mission statements are worthless. They consist largely of pious platitudes such as: ‚We will hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism and ethical behavior.‘ They often formulate necessities as objectives, for example: ‚Achieve sufficient profit.‘ This is like a person saying their mission is to breathe sufficiently.“
Russell Ackoff


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